Monday 18 June 2012

Capacity and Purpose

Your greatest revelation in your life time is your true purpose. Purpose is not created by you. Purpose creates the "you" in this world. Your purpose is unique to you and your very own. It might not always be apparent, in fact mostly its not! Therefore, We can get quite confused about purpose. So, how do we know what our purpose in life is? This question is pertinent to bringing out the best in you - your capacity.

Here are five distinct ways by which anyone can find their purpose:

1. Knowing What we do best: How do we know what we do best? It is something which, has made you turn out a product of your effort, which is well accepted by the world, and perhaps people say, "that is what you do best." Now, you might not alwats get this appreciation from every one you have delievered your product to, but most of them might say or make you feel that way. Then know that you do that well and perhaps that is your best.

2. Knowing What excites us: We don't get excited by everything we do. There are tasks that dampen our spirits, there are some that lift our spirits. So the latter category tasks are those, which when you do, is like an inner calling, like a smooth expression, that does not feel like labor. The prospect of doing this kind of job, makes you happy and wait in anticipation. You enjoy the waiting for it, you enjoy the process of doing it and you enjoy the after-feel of it. In short, through and through enjoyable activity.

3. Knowing the Opportunity: Now, this might not be something, you can sit, reflect and know. It happens. At times, an opportunity opens up for you and you at once realize that you are suddenly caught up in a vortex of activity that you relish doing. You would not have been through anything like it before. The change takes over almost like a hurricane and sweeps you off the feet. You might  be tired and grounded after a while, but you settle to the fact that, "yes, this is what I always wanted to do.. so, let me do this to the exclusion of other things". Now, as fancy as this may sound, and also given that, this might not be an experience of one and all, it still, is a very powerful way to find your purpose, when it happens.

4. Planning it out: Some of us are good at planning and love predictability. We operate in the realms of certainty, most of our lives would accept anything as our purpose, only if it falls into the framework of planning and organizing. So, these people, have known their tastes very early in life, then they build on it steadily till they build an empire on it. The beginnings of all such work is hardly gregarious. It just happens, day after day after day and accumulates. Discipline is the name of the game and these people typically develop a taste for doing something, even if they despised doing it, earlier. It is as though, purpose was never any secret to these people, it was just that it was acting out from haltingly to incessantly, through these people.

5. Getting out of the Penny Trap: Most of us work for money. off course, we enjoy doing some aspects of the work. However, there are going to be some aspects, we loathe doing. But, over a period of time, we tend to accept them as necessary evil, and learn to live with it. This continues, because it serves our instinct of survival.  An interesting question to ask though, is, what can you continue to contribute even if you are not paid a single penny? There you are, most things in your agenda, fizzle out. A few remain and the underlying commonality in how you approach these few responsibilities, would be based on your purpose. By isolating these few things, you would get to understand your purpose.

There, you are- the five ways of finding our true purpose. Each of us would not need all five. We might need one of them or t times a combination to find our purpose. When we find our purpose, we are automatically harnessing our inner capacity to manifest the goals, that are aligned with our Purpose. 

Till the next blog,

Friday 15 June 2012

Capacity & Consistency

Hello Again!

The little break in adding to my blog, made me think about the magic word,  "Consistency"... yes, it is a magic word. When you can consistently add units, you seem to reach, over time, the "Infinity"... well I do not mean reaching infinity literally but, close to it. However, no one can deny the fact that you are infinitely farther than where you started.. and that is called growth in capacity!

To be able to do anything consistently, you should be able to do it "for a first time". Yes, it is important. Well, you might ask, "what is so difficult in starting an activity?" - let me tell you- it seems to be so! For many of us, getting started is a problem. The famous, "Intention - Action" paradigm seems to plague us, no end. I wonder, how many beautiful ideas hit our internal radar, and how many see the light of the day in terms of just a first step.. in fact. most ideas are dropped even before they are ever considered! Now, I mean it - literally, the pace at which we think and jump from thought to thought, makes many a pearl of wisdom, to perhaps shine for a fraction of a second and disappear- to resurface only much later, when we see the manifestation of the idea through someone else as action- and then we think in a trice, "Oh, but I thought of this too, in the first place".

Consistency is a matter of discipline. It is accessible to all, pretty much like the wayside scenery is available to all. But it takes someone to keep moving ahead along the road, to enjoy the scenery. So also, it takes a forward movement from each of us, to reap the results of consistency. When we take a re-look at the word, "Consistency", we realize that it consists of the word, "Consist"!. The word suggests that , it is bringing out every time, what is already there - what we have - and this is Capacity.

What are the challenges to being consistent? Definitely not lacking in capacity-- in fact the challenge becomes a challenge, only because we have a capacity to contribute. So, here are the top 5  challenges -

1. Losing sight of our purpose
2. Getting bored
3. Distracting priorities
4. Lack of excitement and enthusiasm required to act on it.
5. Inability to deal with road blocks.

Lets examine each of these,

1. Losing sight of our Purpose: happens when I am not connected to my purpose, constantly. What is this purpose? It is what you can do best in your life, it is perhaps based on a talent in you or what you have always done- either way, that is the best you can do- aligning everything you do to this, is the secret of having an uninterrupted journey that excites you no end;

2. Getting Bored : refers to the state where, you have started something well, continued for a brief while, and the sheer familiarity of the task, makes it less exciting for you. You want variety and this is something that you have already seen.... your mind asks, "is there anything exciting? anything sensational? Anything different? This also means that, assuming you get something different, very soon you would want something different again! So, staying different or wanting something different becomes a constant in your life.. and you would be the proverbial, rolling stone, moving from experience to experience.. an effective way to counter this can be to realize that, inherently no task is boring or glorious-- its your attitude towards the task, that makes it so, and for those, who have been going thru life's experiences, it is easy to understand the multi-million dollar revelation - you can adjust, tweak and alter your attitude to suit your success-- lets not get bored from now on...

3. Distracting priorities: If life was a one way game, where all is happening only because of who I am, my agenda would prevail. However, we observe that, in this multidimensional act, each of us have our own agenda. Non-human aspects viz. weather, have their own agenda too. So, is it practically possible, not to have distractions? No. They would be there. Remove one and another might come. So, the solution is not in removing distractions but in being focused only on what we want. Consistency of application of our capacity, has to have a laser sharp focus. Lets not shop around, trying to figure out what to do, or hoping some things work. We need to make it happen- and this needs focus. When we focus, distractions, don't trouble us anymore.

4. Lack of Enthusiasm: Comes from boredom in a big way. However, could also be because, you do not identify with the purpose. There are other reasons it can happen. Poor health, frequent failures, lack of encouraging company, or even lack of time, can all affect the enthusiasm factor. The only way to turn around this is to just remind ourselves that, "We can do it!", We can do anything, if we can only apply our mind to it. Not for nothing, we came thus far, and we have it in us to go further- much further than what you thought. You have done it in the past and you can do it again. Just relive all the glory of past achievement- within no time you would be ready for new assignments. Surround yourself with people who are enthusiastic about what they do, people who seem to have the energy to express. Over a period of time, you would be the one to pass this on to as many as possible.

5. Inability to deal with Road Blocks: Progress means nothing, without road blocks. What is the joy or fun in getting something, without any effort? roadblocks are natural effort triggers. They challenge you, at times create fear- but mind you - they never tell you, " I am Impossible". That statement is what, we tell ourselves. And then we go on to prove that we are right. There are four major behaviors when road blocks are encountered.

 a. Retreat- just get back to perhaps find another route or just not do anything. There might be a few times in life where, this approach also benefits.

b. Bypass - just go around and find a way- this is the most natural way and might delay your goals a little, but is very much possible.

c. Cross Over - find a way to go over the road block - if you are a pole vaulter, you might just jump over like that, if you are normal, you might get a ladder to cross over.

d. Go Through - this is tough, but very effective. You find something sharp, something to bore the block and then just drill through, you would find yourself the other side. 

Depending on who you are, you could choose one of the last 3 ways given and clear road blocks.

So, we see that Consistency for Capacity expression is a certainty, if we can identify and address some of these challenges,

Till next blog,

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Capacity to GROW

Life is all about four ingredients:


Growing refers to developing the innate capacity to flourish. It refers to the process of reaching out to set benchmarks called Goals. It refers to the stretch that is required to move out of our comfort zones. As the word suggests, it is a present continuous stage, which means , as we read this blog or while doing anything we are growing!. Hair grows, nails grow, and if nothing is going, time is ticking and human is getting older - growing. However, it is time we differentiate between conscious growing and unconscious growing. Growth, like the examples I gave here i.e hair growth etc, are unconscious and are  on auto pilot. There is hardly anything for you to do to directly affect it. However, Conscious growth is the only one that gets the best out of you. It is painful, because it is stretching. It is gainful because - yes, you guessed it, because, it is stretching!. A Stretch is always good, it enhances your flexibility and overall fitness. It keeps you ready for anything. It shows you about who you can be, because who you can be is who you are unexpressed. Growing is a way of this expression.

Rowing refers to navigating the waters of life, purposefully. This is better understood, when contrasted with mindless meandering, that is often purposeless. Someone with a purpose rows towards a destination. There is also the sense of timeliness about it. Ever looked at the sinews of someone who is used to a lot of rowing? That is the result of years of navigation. Not easy! But so it is with getting caught up in the wild currents of turbulence called life and get swayed in all directions! It takes courage to row and row and row. Rowing also refers to the power of organisation in a human, akin to saying, stacking anything row after row. It symbolizes discipline and therefore again stands for setting a purposeful life. 

Owing refers to need to contribute or give it back. Man Owes it to Nature for everything he receives from there. In the cycle of getting and giving, man therefore becomes a fantastic instrument or channel for the expression of nature's potential or capacity. That is what Human is- a medium for nature's expression.   Owing also means forgetting yourself to give yourself away. Else you could be coming in between your inner nature and outer nature! 

Said a world famous violinist about his success in playing Beethovan’s Violin, “I have splendid music, a splendid violin and a splendid bow. All I need to do is bring them together and get out of the way.”

Lets give it back, instead of holding it back!

Finally, Wing refers to freedom to soar to greater heights. Wing is that which lifts your spirits, lifts your mood, lifts your stature, so that your progress is faster. The lifting wing can be your positive outlook of life or an attitude of gratitude. Anything in life, that weighs you down with self pity, sadness and sorrow mars your progress and is positively dangerous for your success. On the contrary, lifting thoughts, beliefs and emotions can make your life fly in its true colors. Power of Wing, improves your relationships, performance, self belief and quality of your life in general. 

With an objective of GROWING, when you persist with the ROWING, you get many opportunities of OWING , resulting in finding your WING.

Keep flying,
Till the next blog,

Monday 4 June 2012

Human Capacity and Desire

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.

A tree evolves from a SEED. This means that the blue print of the tree in all its entirety has been there in the DNA of the seed. Else, it should be impossible to have a tree from a seed. So also, a human from the embryo. The seed of success in human capacity needs an agent to be uncovered and let go. In the case of a seed, the agents are Sunlight, Soil, Water, nutrients and of course Time. In the case of Capacity to bloom into personal excellence, the necessary conditions are summed up as HEART(the seat of Desire):

H - Hard Work
E - Encouragement
R - Relaxation
T - Time

It is worthwhile to observe each of these conditions that are responsible for unlocking the door to personal excellence.

Hard Work is a blessing. It teaches, coaches, mends, bends, creates perspiration and yet enables inspiration. It safeguards your need to feel good about yourself. There is a also totally a  different view, which, Hard Work presents to some of us. It is tough, it is unnecessary, it is turmoil, it is horrible, it spoils the comfort etc. Now which view would you want to take? The former view grows you and takes you slowly, but surely to personal excellence. The latter view looks at personal comfort temporarily, but exposes you in the long run to decay and even extinction.

Encouragement is a requirement for Hard Work to be consistent. Now, encouragement can come from within or from the environment. Both are required. When things are going your way and your mood is positive(which by the way, it should be most of the time), encouragement comes from within. How ever, when chips are down and you seem lost, it has a great value too when it comes from outside. Encouragement sustains the hard work and makes it easy to move on, even against challenging situations.

Ambiance is all about what surrounds you. It can look like one covering you up from all sides, deluge you with its nature, but, strangely it enables your capacity to germinate forth. However, it would shape the nature of expression of capacity and make you a dwarf or a giant in terms of capacity. Being surrounded by a hostile ambiance can make you a dwarf and being surrounded by a promoting ambiance can bring out the best in you, very soon.

Relaxation is not an option. It is a need. However, it is a mid term break, short enough to ensure that your progress continues, but long enough to see that your tiredness of activity is removed and you are rejuvenated. There is no one prescription for relaxation. It can come in many flavors. Some people have it in silence, while some in chatting. Some in music, while some more in logic. Some solve puzzles, while some more just doze off. Find what relaxes you enough, before you take your next big leap. So, relaxation can be defined as an interval between two bursts of hard work.

Time. It is the essence. It is the context for what is contained in life. All growth of success or expression of capacity makes sense, only when it happens in time. Why is Time given to me? It is To Improve ME. Off all the resources given to man, it could also be the one that is mostly taken for granted by most of us.But when used properly, it will be the context in which the blossoming of Human Potential happens so gloriously. Fills everyone with awe and happiness. 

Let us, therefore, nurture the desire of the HEART to actualize the personal excellence from the seed of Human Capacity.

Till the next blog

Sunday 3 June 2012

Capacity and a share of the PIE

Human Capacity is the essence of Human Life. It follows, therefore, that Capacity is also affected by Cycles, as is the case with Human Life. In fact, in the larger perspective, our entire life is a cycle. So, every moment or combinations of moments are cycles. A cycle has an up and a down. Nature goes in cycles like day/night, seasons or calendar events.So, Human capacity should also be following such natural cycles, in terms of its expressions.

The first cycle that affects capacity is Physical. Like all other capacities, Physical capacity is genetically conditioned. However, a lot can be developed through periodic conditioning. Workout done with regularity can enhance physical express-ability and make it go on for a longer time, with least downtime.Physical capacity is also based on the input or fuel you feed it with, because, junk you feed, junk you breed! Right energy is what you feed, energy is what you harvest. The physical discipline required seems to be so tough for most of us because , we either don't find a good reason for expression of capacity or we fear the effort. However , if we can start from at least one of them, and commit ourselves to it for a while, great achievements are possible. It is not as much about being spectacular as it is with being persistent. For example mind says," I have already worked out yesterday, so let me relax today." This is precisely when you bring the strong reason to your mind on why you chose to exercise, in the first place. And then since, putting effort might be your weak area, all that you need to do is , tell yourself, "can I work out for only the next 5 minutes?" .
You are most likely to experience a workout for longer than 5 minutes! 

The second cycle is Intellectual. When you practice on a regular basis, to push your thinking to newer levels of achievement, it unfolds your intellectual capacity. It starts off with you taking slightly tougher problems than what you can handle right now and working on it with determination, till you get a solution. It calls for continuously  upgrading your knowledge, skills in your chosen areas. These upgrades should be part of your daily, weekly and monthly goals. More and more practice of taking challenges in mathematics is a perfect example of how intellectual capacity can be increased.

The third cycle is Emotional Cycle. It starts with observation or self awareness. Emotion is a high quantum of energy within you. It usually is accompanied by the current of energy that can sweep you off your feet, if you cannot find your hold. Anger, Sadness or even euphoria are all examples. So, what is capacity building here? It is your ability to use these emotions, not lead you in a habitual pattern, but , into the groove of a new response you want to choose. Therefore, it calls for high levels of awareness. The next time you are about to get onto an emotional trip, just become aware and hold fort. Don't get into the usual pattern of behaviors, and instead choose a new way of behavior that would not make you restless or leave you with lack of peace.

What we should know is that these three cycles i.e Physical, Intellectual and Emotional are constantly hunting cycles in our lives. They usually have a cycle that is almost equal to a lunar month. The combination of these three is what we call PIE-- being aware of the share of these three in our lives can help us regulate our capacity to blossom at its best.

Till next blog,

Friday 1 June 2012

Capacity for Leadership

Human Capacity is  scalable. It is what we take from within. Who can say,  how much is there? But we can say, how much we are able to take out. Ultimately, what seems to matter in this world is what is patented, rather than what is latented.

Leadership is one of those aspects, I feel,  that is grossly misunderstood. This is because, we have a notion that leadership is a position. And anyone in that position, is taken for a leader. While this might true from one angle, I feel that it is not an universal truth. There might be a few very good leaders in Leadership positions , and there might be more of followers in Leadership positions. The same person can exhibit Leadership in certain situations and does not do it in others. This is because, Leadership is what one does, rather than where one is. Leadership, in short, is a capacity and its expression. So it is quite possible that at times we express it and at times, not.

So, what is therefore the linkage between Human Capacity and Leadership? Readers would recall in my previous blog, where it was said that, Capacity is a function of Self Belief. The best expression of self belief that one does is his or her Leadership, while not so best ends up as follower ship. It follows that, in any role that anyone plays, you could operate with differing levels of Leadership capability, because , it is based on what you can draw out as capacity. Whenever you feel a need to extract the best out of yourself, and push yourself to newer frontiers, you are calling up the expression of your leadership. On the contrary, you feel dreary about the task, and are perhaps waiting for the completion of it, you would most probably be not showing up your capacity for leadership. 

It is all about bringing Leadership to what you do, and not trying to bring yourself  to Leadership level. 

The first step in doing it is to be aware of your current level of capacity contribution, when you are going through it.

The second step is to assess if your current level of disposition is right for the job, in terms of passion, energy and intensity.

The third step is to call for that from within and put it all into what you are doing.

The fourth step is feel the difference in output and feel good about it.

The fifth step is to sustain it for as long as possible.

A small example, as an application to the above 5 step - principle:

Say, you are in a group of people who are talking about a so called crises situation or a pain point that came up in your organisation,  and everyone in the group thus far have been generally very negative about it. You see that, the magnitude of negativity is thriving as time goes because, everyone is contributing to the general pool of negativity. 

So using Step 1, you would become aware that you have been part of the negativity too and that is not bringing the best representation of what you can stand for.

As a second step,  you see that you can do differently than passively accepting what is happening.  So, you bring in more positive intent into the whole issue.

As a third step, start putting out your positive intent in the group in small doses. You might get resistance, don't react emotionally. Just listen, and put more positive intent.

As a fourth step, you will see that some of the people recognize your contribution and would start supporting you and perhaps acknowledge the leadership in your thinking. Feel good about it.

And as a last step, repeat the same with other situations or even in the same situation, as long as you are required to be there.

What, actually you have done is to call forth, your Leadership Capacity by saying no to your Follower-ship capacity. Believe me, we all have this opportunity, Right Here, Right Now.

Till the next blog,

Thursday 31 May 2012

Human Capacity and Self Belief

"Believe in yourself" - seems to be an age old axiom. 

Why is it that securing a healthy self belief, so difficult and rare? Suffering from a lack of self belief might not look very obvious for many, in the day to day living. It also does not mean that, there are no achievements in their lives. We have our achievements when things go our way and we have our failures when the turn goes the other way.High achievement is accompanied with elation and euphoria, whereas the low turn is accompanied with dejection and self pity. So, overall Self belief in us seems to be low, only appearing high, clothed in the way things around are set up. Else, the true self belief comes out naked.

When it is true that opportunities are all around us(and you would have to accept the assumption, because, there are a few who grab them as if they picked a fruit from a low hanging branch!), how come we find it tough to even trace them out?  In fact, if experiences speaks truth, most of these opportunities look to us like monstrous problems! The difference is in our focus-- what am I habituated to look at in every stimulus that comes to me? Opportunity or problem? our responses have a choice here because  the flavors of both views are contrastingly different. Opportunity sounds, tastes and seems sweet, Problem sounds, tastes and seems bitter- that is the difference, there might be one in a hundred or a thousand, who, for the heck of it loves the bitter, given a choice! Rest others who too still embrace problems, when given a  choice, do not do it because they loved it always- they just started exercising their choice, irrespective of what they felt about it, and sooner than later, the action of doing, overpowered the feeling and colored it to make them like what they are choosing! It works - every time.

In an average to more than average human capacity, taste of success is a reality at some stage. They have seen it happen. And the self belief seems to have soared to new heights, suddenly anything looked possible and things seemed to just fall in place. They got attention from people and they were heard. The ideas seemed to be coming in at the right time and they looked capable of creating situations of advantage for themselves-- in short it looked like they reached!! And then the magic starts waning a little, we are a little more grounded on several occasions. Not that things would go bad so suddenly, but most of us seem to be hitting a plateau -- no effervescence anymore, no kick out of what you do, a glaring difference in your thought and action, leading to erosion of self belief!! Precisely then, what is it that is  required here? what does one do, to live up to one's capacity and build it more from here?

This is where we need to RECREATE ourselves. Our earlier period of rise was no dream and the present period of plateau is no curse. Both are just indications of our inherent self belief. It is important for us to know that, our self belief is a sum total of our thoughts, we held about ourselves- don't discount the trivial thoughts too! - they count. Everything counts. when chips are down, when life is monotonous, when going might be smooth, but too smooth to excite you to jump around and you are waiting for the proverbial, "Push from the unknown", that is when you need to recreate yourself. 

Recreation is a process of altering your self belief to new standards. 

Here's how the process goes: 

1. Observe yourself when you are dragging and pulling on, but not jumping with excitement about life.

2. Look at the nearest situation of a stimulus- it could be about calling someone to wish them on their birthday. However, your current mood perhaps is preventing you from reaching out to people- one of the symptoms of low self belief. Precisely then, give yourself a self infusion of new energy - tell yourself that you are good to connect and really can make a difference to their day, tell yourself that, by reaching out, you are showing your sense of confidence in relationships, just pick up the phone and call. Get as much intent as possible in your words and tone- and you will see magic happening! the other person would profusely than you, and yo hang up. You will fell sop good about yourself and would be ready for another call.

3. What you would not so easily catch here is the point that, within no time, you are miles away from your past mood! you RECREATED yourself. The onus is on you and don't leave it to external stimuli again. 

This is like completely taking charge of our self and operating from a new locus of self belief. So you start with small things and carry this self infusion process with more complex situations too... and every time you would come out much stronger than before... it radiates from you...

you see, RECREATION is actually so simple...Lets do it as and when we need to see the capacity in us, bigger than challenges around..

Till next blog

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Reason for Expression

When Strategy drives the structure, it is objective oriented. When Structure drives a strategy, it can get open ended. When desire drives capacity, it can be anything, anywhere situation. When Need drives capacity, it is goal oriented. 

We have heard of some really out of the world feats in human world- most of them driven by a dire need. I was told of a housewife in the US, who could lift the front portion of a car with her bare hands, to protect her child, who was in a cradle that was just about to be crushed by a car that ran over it! We heard of people who could survive the most trying situations of sensitization camps and return in a sane state! We keep hearing of people who stand for days, people who go without food for days, of those who perform arts, music etc for prolonged times, almost all of them doing feats that look impossible from a normal view point. How do they do it?

"Human Capacity needs a reason for expression"

Therefore it becomes obvious for people who want to build capacity in others, to set a reason. The trick is not in goading or pushing people, but seems to be in creating a reason to do it-- not just do it, but do one's  best. The question is, what does it take to create a reason? How do you make others feel the need for doing their best?

Talking to inspire works - but has to be a continuous process and is subject to many a disturbance.

Showing reward works - but you find some of the target audience being disillusioned with rewards, after a while. 

Comparing with others might work temporarily. Howe ever it has also been seen how comparison can work counter productive to team work.

Setting the threat of penalty - might work for some, but does not make it either inspiring or self motivating. Change of one parameter in the environment can completely throw this plan out of gear.

So what works? While each of the above or combination of one or two might work, what always works is to make the task a great reason. I agree that this might not be straightaway possible for many of us, to try it out with many out there. One might also argue that, to have achievement motivation, you need to be a self governed guy.... however I believe, we can do this, if we understand the nuances clearly and agree that , even this works by a formula...

Let me not jump ahead of schedule to discuss about the formula here in this blog..... we would have that coming up soon, but I just wanted to leave you with the following thoughts to ponder upon:

  • When was the last time, you had to closely interact with a family member or team member and put them on a job?
  • What was your style? did you just persuade, did you use any of the 4 techniques given above or did you do something differently?
  • Could you by any chance transfer your sense of ownership about the task to them, in whatever way you did it?
  • If so, what did you see as a change in them? Didn't you see that you are no longer needed in the picture? Did you see them chasing the task, like their own?
  • Just ponder, what could have contributed to such a change? and did you feel relieved :-)
Till the next time

Monday 28 May 2012

Capacity and Inner Connect

If ever, we find ourselves lacking in the capacity to accomplish anything, lets know that it is not becos of a lack of capacity- it is becos of a lack of connection to the inner  realm!. This follows the natural premise that, 

unless it is found in the inside first, it cannot ,manifest outside, next. 

Many a time, we stumble in our path, into a block- a cross road, a joint from where, it seems so confusing to move on, it feels that there is no hope, going back does not seem an option and going forward just looks impossible . So here is what happens - you just settle down for the status-quo and wait for a miracle to happen! By the way, miracles happen - when we are ready for it - the readiness comes only when we do the inner connect right.

So, what is the inner connect all about? 

It is a conscious process of disconnecting yourself from the task on hand and connecting to the realm of reflection within. 

The realm of reflection is only an entry point into the tremendous possibilities inside.Entering into the field of reflection achieves the first objective of cutting you off from the distractions on hand. Distractions are external, not internal. Unrest becos of external distractions, brings about unrest in internal world, only when we are so tightly hooked to the external. Tight coupling to the task you have on hand is important, but with a degree of freedom to leave this grasp and enter into realm of reflection, as and when. This should be possible for all of us - is this true?  - a simple example -our choice to focus on what we want in spite of other disturbances, shows us that, we can be masters of our choice- our attention to an interesting program on TV, an ear to the favorite gossip etc are some examples. Free choice means, being able to focus on what we want.

So, what happens after we enter the realm of reflection? The realm is like a pool - a pool of thoughts - you might take a little while to find your feet here, and be given to too much of swaying to start with - this is where, you would move from one extreme thought to another- particularly, if you are doing it new. An example here -- you are trying to write a blog - you might feel great to start - but you might hit the road block too soon, if you are not used to it- lack of ideas, no motivation to write, self doubt, no supporting vocabulary, other intermittent tasks and interruptions, procrastination -- all these or many more factors could be troubling you in moving forward- you can easily come to the conclusion, " perhaps it is not within me to write a blog! I am just not made out like that......" the conclusions on capacity start coming in. 

Another example -- you start on a new exercise program.  After years of no exercise - you have been pumped up to total motivation by a friend who counseled you or may be a movie you have seen on Chinese martial arts! After you start getting into some detail of the work out, as you are sweating it out, reality starts dawning on you, the video is showing a seasoned athlete working it out like a pro! and you are struggling with it for the first few repeats! Each extra move seems to be draining off everything from you and the sweetest voice you want to hear, is someone telling you to stop! Your mind tells you, " looks like this is not for me! I just don't have the capacity, having been born as who I am...... hmm... psst... better luck next time.." and you give up.  Should you give up?

This is where you start making the inner connect -- do stop, but briefly.... just disconnect from external world and task at hand, only for a few seconds, may be -- enter the realm of reflection - you start swimming through the thoughts of what prompted you in the first place to sweat it out or put a blog there. Then you start visualizing the benefits, the role models who inspired you and so on, though all these thoughts seem to be diverse, they all move you towards your objective - of recommitting yourself to the goal, and that is when you step out of the reflection pool to the other bank. Here you just stop  for a while to get the energy back - because this is the land of self renewal- at times the renewal is so perceptible - like a stream of current that passes through you- this revitalizes you, renews you and you can now be back to the task on hand -- YOU HAVE RECONNECTED to the source.

And when you have completed the task at hand, its not just about, how well you have done it, its about you winning over the tendency to give it up becos you cud not muster it - now you have done that, and here is an output - So, go out and celebrate!!!

Till the next blog,

The Capacity Paradox

It was widely believed that office automation was boosting labor productivity (or total factor productivity). However, the growth accounts didn't seem to confirm the idea. From the early 1970s to the early 1990s there was a massive slow-down in growth as the machines were becoming ubiquitous. (Other variables in country's economies were changing simultaneously; growth accountingseparates out the improvement in production output using the same capital and labour resources as input by calculating growth in total factor productivity, AKA the "Solow residual".)
The productivity paradox has attracted a lot of recent controversy and has grown outside the original context of computers and communications. Some are now arguing that technology in general is subject to diminishing returns in its ability to increase economic growth.[4] ----- Source: Wikipedia

When you read extracts like the one quoted above, you wonder, " where is all the human capacity going?" All known theories of human development have unequivocally stated that, human potential is vast and there is much to be harnessed.. now if all advances in technology and intellect has not enabled this harnessing the capacity, then what would? -- this seems to be the capacity paradox--- while it is there to be harnessed, we might still not be there in knowing how to harness, on  large scale. Of course this does not undermine any achievement of any individual, but just think of it-- the inventions and efforts of 1% population seem to be used by 99% of population, whereas the capacity levels of this 99% remain underutilized! this is the problem..

The problem is akin to the problem related to finance in a family of 5, where there is just one earning member! Now, as fast as the earning is done by one member, if four more spend it faster, the net impact is negative growth of the financial status of the family... but think of it, a family of four petty earners, but each earns and spends for himself, the equation  seems to be better for each... so much for shared capacity syndrome. 

Raju is a software engineer who passed out of a reasonably rated university and got selected thru the campus to a branded Indian software firm. He met up his project Manager, Suma, after three months of intense class room training. Suma was very patient with Raju, to start with.. however she did let him know that, he was a billable resource and she expected him to scale up soon enough..Raju was happy with his environment and felt that, coming to job was indeed fun, becos there is an esteem and respect that the brand gets for him outside... gradually, Raju found that, there were far too many mistakes being found out in his work and he seems to be in need of help, too frequently.. he started to despair and started disliking to come to work... it did not seem to be the same place he visualized a few weeks before, before long it was six months and Suma was doing a review of six months with him, to his consternation and anger, she concluded the meeting very shortly, by saying, " Raju, I think you are not scaling up as I expected... you did appear like having potential, when I met you six months back, but now, I dont know where the probem is, you just dont deliver even simple know Raju, that our organisation has decided to no longer support members on the bench, and i have the mandate to send out the small percentage that is not performing up to the mark.... I am sorry to say, but I think you have to face this reality..."
Raju was stunned, unable to say a word, when Suma interrupted again, " Raju, I know you have the capacity, but something seems to be wrong when it comes to bringing it out! You need to put in efforts to bring the best out of you! I am sure you would do it.... we would give you a good recommendation", Suma walked out.... Raju was confused, angry, not knowing with whom.. Suma walked out .. pain was clear in her eyes on what transpired... she hated firing anyone... and the question always came back to her mind, " why do we hire when we cant get it out of them?".....

A million dollar question to all of us, " why do we make people responsible for anything, when we have no mechanism to get the bets out of them?"...

Here the responsibly of getting the best out of oneself is as important as the organisation around them.... For now, I wud discuss in successive blogs, how the individual does best to get the capacity out.. and as we move on, we would also discuss what an organisation can do....

Before I sign out, just wanted to share a nice piece of writing I found that talks about the philosophy of bringing it out.... to awaken... enjoy..

by Ralph S. Marston, Jr.
In your life
A new day is dawning
Awaken and touch the beauty
Wherever you've come from
Whatever you've been
New possibilities beckon
Right here and now
Awaken and make them real
There was a time when you held in your heart
The most magnificent of dreams
A time when life seemed to carry
Endless promises and possibilities
Those dreams are still with you
Awaken and bring them to life
What you long for
Is longing for you
What you dream of
Is what you are meant to create
The doubts you have exist only in your mind
The anxieties that seem so burdensome are of your own making
Now is the moment to awaken,
and allow those doubts to melt away
Awaken, and dive deeply into the beauty of this moment
Allow your spirit to fully experience the richness of it all
Allow peace to fill you completely
Let it touch your deepest longings
Let it bring those longings to life
Your most treasured possibilities are real,
If you will simply let them live through you
Awaken to this moment, and life begins anew
Reach inside, and allow
your most treasured
dreams to awaken with you
Into a bright and shining new day
Remind yourself again and again
Of how beautiful life can be
Remind yourself again and again
That you can make it so
Step boldly and lovingly forward
Into this day
You've already come
So very far
You're stronger, more experienced
and more determined than ever
To fulfill those longings
That tell you who you are
Now is your moment to create real meaning
Now is your moment to awaken
And to truly and fully live

Till next blog

Saturday 26 May 2012

So, what is Human Capacity Building?

Human Capacity Building isn't anything new. Perhaps as old as the instance where, the oldest human had the self cognizance of her Capacity.

So, why are we talking about this theme? The pertinence of the topic is of paramount importance today... and that is because, we are all in an age where the need to excel is no longer an option. The individual wants it, the near and dear in family wants it, your employer wants it and your society wants it  - they all want you to perform! Any doubt that performance is an external manifestation of an inner element called , "Capacity"?

All expression of Capacity is an exploratory process- one directed more inside, at times leading to known results and a few times leading you to unknown and unexpected results- collision with these expected and unexpected results, fills you up with exultation and exhilaration. Human achievements looks for this exultation and would associate its innate sense of pride with these pristine moments, that seem to give an authentication to human existence. The power mantra here seems to be, "I achieve, therefore I am".

Hence, it becomes the responsibility for every individual to create these moments as many times as possible for themselves. Not only that, it is the responsibility of leaders to create this in all followers, for all parents to create in their children, for every teacher to fill their students with this, and finally every government to create this for every citizen! Going a little beyond structures that guide responsibilities, creating achievement in others is the greatest credit that you can make in anyone's emotional account. in plain terms - it just is the way to live a glorious life.

But, how do we do this? 
Human achievement can be created by working on building Human Capacity - it is a step by step approach. 

Why should you do it?
It just changes the way, your team member, family member, friend or child delivers to the world! you are working at the core productivity issues in them, rather than superficial tool enabling. 

Who should do this? 
Anyone who has an interest to develop others! objective for this interest could be anything, that is immaterial. If you  are just plain interested to develop another person to full capacity, this works for you...

So if you are one of them, visit this blog from time to time.... I am going to discuss here some ways to do this wonderful act called HUMAN CAPACITY BUILDING..

Till the next blog,