Thursday 31 May 2012

Human Capacity and Self Belief

"Believe in yourself" - seems to be an age old axiom. 

Why is it that securing a healthy self belief, so difficult and rare? Suffering from a lack of self belief might not look very obvious for many, in the day to day living. It also does not mean that, there are no achievements in their lives. We have our achievements when things go our way and we have our failures when the turn goes the other way.High achievement is accompanied with elation and euphoria, whereas the low turn is accompanied with dejection and self pity. So, overall Self belief in us seems to be low, only appearing high, clothed in the way things around are set up. Else, the true self belief comes out naked.

When it is true that opportunities are all around us(and you would have to accept the assumption, because, there are a few who grab them as if they picked a fruit from a low hanging branch!), how come we find it tough to even trace them out?  In fact, if experiences speaks truth, most of these opportunities look to us like monstrous problems! The difference is in our focus-- what am I habituated to look at in every stimulus that comes to me? Opportunity or problem? our responses have a choice here because  the flavors of both views are contrastingly different. Opportunity sounds, tastes and seems sweet, Problem sounds, tastes and seems bitter- that is the difference, there might be one in a hundred or a thousand, who, for the heck of it loves the bitter, given a choice! Rest others who too still embrace problems, when given a  choice, do not do it because they loved it always- they just started exercising their choice, irrespective of what they felt about it, and sooner than later, the action of doing, overpowered the feeling and colored it to make them like what they are choosing! It works - every time.

In an average to more than average human capacity, taste of success is a reality at some stage. They have seen it happen. And the self belief seems to have soared to new heights, suddenly anything looked possible and things seemed to just fall in place. They got attention from people and they were heard. The ideas seemed to be coming in at the right time and they looked capable of creating situations of advantage for themselves-- in short it looked like they reached!! And then the magic starts waning a little, we are a little more grounded on several occasions. Not that things would go bad so suddenly, but most of us seem to be hitting a plateau -- no effervescence anymore, no kick out of what you do, a glaring difference in your thought and action, leading to erosion of self belief!! Precisely then, what is it that is  required here? what does one do, to live up to one's capacity and build it more from here?

This is where we need to RECREATE ourselves. Our earlier period of rise was no dream and the present period of plateau is no curse. Both are just indications of our inherent self belief. It is important for us to know that, our self belief is a sum total of our thoughts, we held about ourselves- don't discount the trivial thoughts too! - they count. Everything counts. when chips are down, when life is monotonous, when going might be smooth, but too smooth to excite you to jump around and you are waiting for the proverbial, "Push from the unknown", that is when you need to recreate yourself. 

Recreation is a process of altering your self belief to new standards. 

Here's how the process goes: 

1. Observe yourself when you are dragging and pulling on, but not jumping with excitement about life.

2. Look at the nearest situation of a stimulus- it could be about calling someone to wish them on their birthday. However, your current mood perhaps is preventing you from reaching out to people- one of the symptoms of low self belief. Precisely then, give yourself a self infusion of new energy - tell yourself that you are good to connect and really can make a difference to their day, tell yourself that, by reaching out, you are showing your sense of confidence in relationships, just pick up the phone and call. Get as much intent as possible in your words and tone- and you will see magic happening! the other person would profusely than you, and yo hang up. You will fell sop good about yourself and would be ready for another call.

3. What you would not so easily catch here is the point that, within no time, you are miles away from your past mood! you RECREATED yourself. The onus is on you and don't leave it to external stimuli again. 

This is like completely taking charge of our self and operating from a new locus of self belief. So you start with small things and carry this self infusion process with more complex situations too... and every time you would come out much stronger than before... it radiates from you...

you see, RECREATION is actually so simple...Lets do it as and when we need to see the capacity in us, bigger than challenges around..

Till next blog

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