Monday 18 June 2012

Capacity and Purpose

Your greatest revelation in your life time is your true purpose. Purpose is not created by you. Purpose creates the "you" in this world. Your purpose is unique to you and your very own. It might not always be apparent, in fact mostly its not! Therefore, We can get quite confused about purpose. So, how do we know what our purpose in life is? This question is pertinent to bringing out the best in you - your capacity.

Here are five distinct ways by which anyone can find their purpose:

1. Knowing What we do best: How do we know what we do best? It is something which, has made you turn out a product of your effort, which is well accepted by the world, and perhaps people say, "that is what you do best." Now, you might not alwats get this appreciation from every one you have delievered your product to, but most of them might say or make you feel that way. Then know that you do that well and perhaps that is your best.

2. Knowing What excites us: We don't get excited by everything we do. There are tasks that dampen our spirits, there are some that lift our spirits. So the latter category tasks are those, which when you do, is like an inner calling, like a smooth expression, that does not feel like labor. The prospect of doing this kind of job, makes you happy and wait in anticipation. You enjoy the waiting for it, you enjoy the process of doing it and you enjoy the after-feel of it. In short, through and through enjoyable activity.

3. Knowing the Opportunity: Now, this might not be something, you can sit, reflect and know. It happens. At times, an opportunity opens up for you and you at once realize that you are suddenly caught up in a vortex of activity that you relish doing. You would not have been through anything like it before. The change takes over almost like a hurricane and sweeps you off the feet. You might  be tired and grounded after a while, but you settle to the fact that, "yes, this is what I always wanted to do.. so, let me do this to the exclusion of other things". Now, as fancy as this may sound, and also given that, this might not be an experience of one and all, it still, is a very powerful way to find your purpose, when it happens.

4. Planning it out: Some of us are good at planning and love predictability. We operate in the realms of certainty, most of our lives would accept anything as our purpose, only if it falls into the framework of planning and organizing. So, these people, have known their tastes very early in life, then they build on it steadily till they build an empire on it. The beginnings of all such work is hardly gregarious. It just happens, day after day after day and accumulates. Discipline is the name of the game and these people typically develop a taste for doing something, even if they despised doing it, earlier. It is as though, purpose was never any secret to these people, it was just that it was acting out from haltingly to incessantly, through these people.

5. Getting out of the Penny Trap: Most of us work for money. off course, we enjoy doing some aspects of the work. However, there are going to be some aspects, we loathe doing. But, over a period of time, we tend to accept them as necessary evil, and learn to live with it. This continues, because it serves our instinct of survival.  An interesting question to ask though, is, what can you continue to contribute even if you are not paid a single penny? There you are, most things in your agenda, fizzle out. A few remain and the underlying commonality in how you approach these few responsibilities, would be based on your purpose. By isolating these few things, you would get to understand your purpose.

There, you are- the five ways of finding our true purpose. Each of us would not need all five. We might need one of them or t times a combination to find our purpose. When we find our purpose, we are automatically harnessing our inner capacity to manifest the goals, that are aligned with our Purpose. 

Till the next blog,

1 comment:

  1. very interesting sir. but my doubt is whether the purpose is the same through out our life or varies depending up on the situations around
