Friday 15 June 2012

Capacity & Consistency

Hello Again!

The little break in adding to my blog, made me think about the magic word,  "Consistency"... yes, it is a magic word. When you can consistently add units, you seem to reach, over time, the "Infinity"... well I do not mean reaching infinity literally but, close to it. However, no one can deny the fact that you are infinitely farther than where you started.. and that is called growth in capacity!

To be able to do anything consistently, you should be able to do it "for a first time". Yes, it is important. Well, you might ask, "what is so difficult in starting an activity?" - let me tell you- it seems to be so! For many of us, getting started is a problem. The famous, "Intention - Action" paradigm seems to plague us, no end. I wonder, how many beautiful ideas hit our internal radar, and how many see the light of the day in terms of just a first step.. in fact. most ideas are dropped even before they are ever considered! Now, I mean it - literally, the pace at which we think and jump from thought to thought, makes many a pearl of wisdom, to perhaps shine for a fraction of a second and disappear- to resurface only much later, when we see the manifestation of the idea through someone else as action- and then we think in a trice, "Oh, but I thought of this too, in the first place".

Consistency is a matter of discipline. It is accessible to all, pretty much like the wayside scenery is available to all. But it takes someone to keep moving ahead along the road, to enjoy the scenery. So also, it takes a forward movement from each of us, to reap the results of consistency. When we take a re-look at the word, "Consistency", we realize that it consists of the word, "Consist"!. The word suggests that , it is bringing out every time, what is already there - what we have - and this is Capacity.

What are the challenges to being consistent? Definitely not lacking in capacity-- in fact the challenge becomes a challenge, only because we have a capacity to contribute. So, here are the top 5  challenges -

1. Losing sight of our purpose
2. Getting bored
3. Distracting priorities
4. Lack of excitement and enthusiasm required to act on it.
5. Inability to deal with road blocks.

Lets examine each of these,

1. Losing sight of our Purpose: happens when I am not connected to my purpose, constantly. What is this purpose? It is what you can do best in your life, it is perhaps based on a talent in you or what you have always done- either way, that is the best you can do- aligning everything you do to this, is the secret of having an uninterrupted journey that excites you no end;

2. Getting Bored : refers to the state where, you have started something well, continued for a brief while, and the sheer familiarity of the task, makes it less exciting for you. You want variety and this is something that you have already seen.... your mind asks, "is there anything exciting? anything sensational? Anything different? This also means that, assuming you get something different, very soon you would want something different again! So, staying different or wanting something different becomes a constant in your life.. and you would be the proverbial, rolling stone, moving from experience to experience.. an effective way to counter this can be to realize that, inherently no task is boring or glorious-- its your attitude towards the task, that makes it so, and for those, who have been going thru life's experiences, it is easy to understand the multi-million dollar revelation - you can adjust, tweak and alter your attitude to suit your success-- lets not get bored from now on...

3. Distracting priorities: If life was a one way game, where all is happening only because of who I am, my agenda would prevail. However, we observe that, in this multidimensional act, each of us have our own agenda. Non-human aspects viz. weather, have their own agenda too. So, is it practically possible, not to have distractions? No. They would be there. Remove one and another might come. So, the solution is not in removing distractions but in being focused only on what we want. Consistency of application of our capacity, has to have a laser sharp focus. Lets not shop around, trying to figure out what to do, or hoping some things work. We need to make it happen- and this needs focus. When we focus, distractions, don't trouble us anymore.

4. Lack of Enthusiasm: Comes from boredom in a big way. However, could also be because, you do not identify with the purpose. There are other reasons it can happen. Poor health, frequent failures, lack of encouraging company, or even lack of time, can all affect the enthusiasm factor. The only way to turn around this is to just remind ourselves that, "We can do it!", We can do anything, if we can only apply our mind to it. Not for nothing, we came thus far, and we have it in us to go further- much further than what you thought. You have done it in the past and you can do it again. Just relive all the glory of past achievement- within no time you would be ready for new assignments. Surround yourself with people who are enthusiastic about what they do, people who seem to have the energy to express. Over a period of time, you would be the one to pass this on to as many as possible.

5. Inability to deal with Road Blocks: Progress means nothing, without road blocks. What is the joy or fun in getting something, without any effort? roadblocks are natural effort triggers. They challenge you, at times create fear- but mind you - they never tell you, " I am Impossible". That statement is what, we tell ourselves. And then we go on to prove that we are right. There are four major behaviors when road blocks are encountered.

 a. Retreat- just get back to perhaps find another route or just not do anything. There might be a few times in life where, this approach also benefits.

b. Bypass - just go around and find a way- this is the most natural way and might delay your goals a little, but is very much possible.

c. Cross Over - find a way to go over the road block - if you are a pole vaulter, you might just jump over like that, if you are normal, you might get a ladder to cross over.

d. Go Through - this is tough, but very effective. You find something sharp, something to bore the block and then just drill through, you would find yourself the other side. 

Depending on who you are, you could choose one of the last 3 ways given and clear road blocks.

So, we see that Consistency for Capacity expression is a certainty, if we can identify and address some of these challenges,

Till next blog,

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