Tuesday 5 June 2012

Capacity to GROW

Life is all about four ingredients:


Growing refers to developing the innate capacity to flourish. It refers to the process of reaching out to set benchmarks called Goals. It refers to the stretch that is required to move out of our comfort zones. As the word suggests, it is a present continuous stage, which means , as we read this blog or while doing anything we are growing!. Hair grows, nails grow, and if nothing is going, time is ticking and human is getting older - growing. However, it is time we differentiate between conscious growing and unconscious growing. Growth, like the examples I gave here i.e hair growth etc, are unconscious and are  on auto pilot. There is hardly anything for you to do to directly affect it. However, Conscious growth is the only one that gets the best out of you. It is painful, because it is stretching. It is gainful because - yes, you guessed it, because, it is stretching!. A Stretch is always good, it enhances your flexibility and overall fitness. It keeps you ready for anything. It shows you about who you can be, because who you can be is who you are unexpressed. Growing is a way of this expression.

Rowing refers to navigating the waters of life, purposefully. This is better understood, when contrasted with mindless meandering, that is often purposeless. Someone with a purpose rows towards a destination. There is also the sense of timeliness about it. Ever looked at the sinews of someone who is used to a lot of rowing? That is the result of years of navigation. Not easy! But so it is with getting caught up in the wild currents of turbulence called life and get swayed in all directions! It takes courage to row and row and row. Rowing also refers to the power of organisation in a human, akin to saying, stacking anything row after row. It symbolizes discipline and therefore again stands for setting a purposeful life. 

Owing refers to need to contribute or give it back. Man Owes it to Nature for everything he receives from there. In the cycle of getting and giving, man therefore becomes a fantastic instrument or channel for the expression of nature's potential or capacity. That is what Human is- a medium for nature's expression.   Owing also means forgetting yourself to give yourself away. Else you could be coming in between your inner nature and outer nature! 

Said a world famous violinist about his success in playing Beethovan’s Violin, “I have splendid music, a splendid violin and a splendid bow. All I need to do is bring them together and get out of the way.”

Lets give it back, instead of holding it back!

Finally, Wing refers to freedom to soar to greater heights. Wing is that which lifts your spirits, lifts your mood, lifts your stature, so that your progress is faster. The lifting wing can be your positive outlook of life or an attitude of gratitude. Anything in life, that weighs you down with self pity, sadness and sorrow mars your progress and is positively dangerous for your success. On the contrary, lifting thoughts, beliefs and emotions can make your life fly in its true colors. Power of Wing, improves your relationships, performance, self belief and quality of your life in general. 

With an objective of GROWING, when you persist with the ROWING, you get many opportunities of OWING , resulting in finding your WING.

Keep flying,
Till the next blog,

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