Friday 1 June 2012

Capacity for Leadership

Human Capacity is  scalable. It is what we take from within. Who can say,  how much is there? But we can say, how much we are able to take out. Ultimately, what seems to matter in this world is what is patented, rather than what is latented.

Leadership is one of those aspects, I feel,  that is grossly misunderstood. This is because, we have a notion that leadership is a position. And anyone in that position, is taken for a leader. While this might true from one angle, I feel that it is not an universal truth. There might be a few very good leaders in Leadership positions , and there might be more of followers in Leadership positions. The same person can exhibit Leadership in certain situations and does not do it in others. This is because, Leadership is what one does, rather than where one is. Leadership, in short, is a capacity and its expression. So it is quite possible that at times we express it and at times, not.

So, what is therefore the linkage between Human Capacity and Leadership? Readers would recall in my previous blog, where it was said that, Capacity is a function of Self Belief. The best expression of self belief that one does is his or her Leadership, while not so best ends up as follower ship. It follows that, in any role that anyone plays, you could operate with differing levels of Leadership capability, because , it is based on what you can draw out as capacity. Whenever you feel a need to extract the best out of yourself, and push yourself to newer frontiers, you are calling up the expression of your leadership. On the contrary, you feel dreary about the task, and are perhaps waiting for the completion of it, you would most probably be not showing up your capacity for leadership. 

It is all about bringing Leadership to what you do, and not trying to bring yourself  to Leadership level. 

The first step in doing it is to be aware of your current level of capacity contribution, when you are going through it.

The second step is to assess if your current level of disposition is right for the job, in terms of passion, energy and intensity.

The third step is to call for that from within and put it all into what you are doing.

The fourth step is feel the difference in output and feel good about it.

The fifth step is to sustain it for as long as possible.

A small example, as an application to the above 5 step - principle:

Say, you are in a group of people who are talking about a so called crises situation or a pain point that came up in your organisation,  and everyone in the group thus far have been generally very negative about it. You see that, the magnitude of negativity is thriving as time goes because, everyone is contributing to the general pool of negativity. 

So using Step 1, you would become aware that you have been part of the negativity too and that is not bringing the best representation of what you can stand for.

As a second step,  you see that you can do differently than passively accepting what is happening.  So, you bring in more positive intent into the whole issue.

As a third step, start putting out your positive intent in the group in small doses. You might get resistance, don't react emotionally. Just listen, and put more positive intent.

As a fourth step, you will see that some of the people recognize your contribution and would start supporting you and perhaps acknowledge the leadership in your thinking. Feel good about it.

And as a last step, repeat the same with other situations or even in the same situation, as long as you are required to be there.

What, actually you have done is to call forth, your Leadership Capacity by saying no to your Follower-ship capacity. Believe me, we all have this opportunity, Right Here, Right Now.

Till the next blog,

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