Tuesday 29 May 2012

Reason for Expression

When Strategy drives the structure, it is objective oriented. When Structure drives a strategy, it can get open ended. When desire drives capacity, it can be anything, anywhere situation. When Need drives capacity, it is goal oriented. 

We have heard of some really out of the world feats in human world- most of them driven by a dire need. I was told of a housewife in the US, who could lift the front portion of a car with her bare hands, to protect her child, who was in a cradle that was just about to be crushed by a car that ran over it! We heard of people who could survive the most trying situations of sensitization camps and return in a sane state! We keep hearing of people who stand for days, people who go without food for days, of those who perform arts, music etc for prolonged times, almost all of them doing feats that look impossible from a normal view point. How do they do it?

"Human Capacity needs a reason for expression"

Therefore it becomes obvious for people who want to build capacity in others, to set a reason. The trick is not in goading or pushing people, but seems to be in creating a reason to do it-- not just do it, but do one's  best. The question is, what does it take to create a reason? How do you make others feel the need for doing their best?

Talking to inspire works - but has to be a continuous process and is subject to many a disturbance.

Showing reward works - but you find some of the target audience being disillusioned with rewards, after a while. 

Comparing with others might work temporarily. Howe ever it has also been seen how comparison can work counter productive to team work.

Setting the threat of penalty - might work for some, but does not make it either inspiring or self motivating. Change of one parameter in the environment can completely throw this plan out of gear.

So what works? While each of the above or combination of one or two might work, what always works is to make the task a great reason. I agree that this might not be straightaway possible for many of us, to try it out with many out there. One might also argue that, to have achievement motivation, you need to be a self governed guy.... however I believe, we can do this, if we understand the nuances clearly and agree that , even this works by a formula...

Let me not jump ahead of schedule to discuss about the formula here in this blog..... we would have that coming up soon, but I just wanted to leave you with the following thoughts to ponder upon:

  • When was the last time, you had to closely interact with a family member or team member and put them on a job?
  • What was your style? did you just persuade, did you use any of the 4 techniques given above or did you do something differently?
  • Could you by any chance transfer your sense of ownership about the task to them, in whatever way you did it?
  • If so, what did you see as a change in them? Didn't you see that you are no longer needed in the picture? Did you see them chasing the task, like their own?
  • Just ponder, what could have contributed to such a change? and did you feel relieved :-)
Till the next time

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