Monday 28 May 2012

The Capacity Paradox

It was widely believed that office automation was boosting labor productivity (or total factor productivity). However, the growth accounts didn't seem to confirm the idea. From the early 1970s to the early 1990s there was a massive slow-down in growth as the machines were becoming ubiquitous. (Other variables in country's economies were changing simultaneously; growth accountingseparates out the improvement in production output using the same capital and labour resources as input by calculating growth in total factor productivity, AKA the "Solow residual".)
The productivity paradox has attracted a lot of recent controversy and has grown outside the original context of computers and communications. Some are now arguing that technology in general is subject to diminishing returns in its ability to increase economic growth.[4] ----- Source: Wikipedia

When you read extracts like the one quoted above, you wonder, " where is all the human capacity going?" All known theories of human development have unequivocally stated that, human potential is vast and there is much to be harnessed.. now if all advances in technology and intellect has not enabled this harnessing the capacity, then what would? -- this seems to be the capacity paradox--- while it is there to be harnessed, we might still not be there in knowing how to harness, on  large scale. Of course this does not undermine any achievement of any individual, but just think of it-- the inventions and efforts of 1% population seem to be used by 99% of population, whereas the capacity levels of this 99% remain underutilized! this is the problem..

The problem is akin to the problem related to finance in a family of 5, where there is just one earning member! Now, as fast as the earning is done by one member, if four more spend it faster, the net impact is negative growth of the financial status of the family... but think of it, a family of four petty earners, but each earns and spends for himself, the equation  seems to be better for each... so much for shared capacity syndrome. 

Raju is a software engineer who passed out of a reasonably rated university and got selected thru the campus to a branded Indian software firm. He met up his project Manager, Suma, after three months of intense class room training. Suma was very patient with Raju, to start with.. however she did let him know that, he was a billable resource and she expected him to scale up soon enough..Raju was happy with his environment and felt that, coming to job was indeed fun, becos there is an esteem and respect that the brand gets for him outside... gradually, Raju found that, there were far too many mistakes being found out in his work and he seems to be in need of help, too frequently.. he started to despair and started disliking to come to work... it did not seem to be the same place he visualized a few weeks before, before long it was six months and Suma was doing a review of six months with him, to his consternation and anger, she concluded the meeting very shortly, by saying, " Raju, I think you are not scaling up as I expected... you did appear like having potential, when I met you six months back, but now, I dont know where the probem is, you just dont deliver even simple know Raju, that our organisation has decided to no longer support members on the bench, and i have the mandate to send out the small percentage that is not performing up to the mark.... I am sorry to say, but I think you have to face this reality..."
Raju was stunned, unable to say a word, when Suma interrupted again, " Raju, I know you have the capacity, but something seems to be wrong when it comes to bringing it out! You need to put in efforts to bring the best out of you! I am sure you would do it.... we would give you a good recommendation", Suma walked out.... Raju was confused, angry, not knowing with whom.. Suma walked out .. pain was clear in her eyes on what transpired... she hated firing anyone... and the question always came back to her mind, " why do we hire when we cant get it out of them?".....

A million dollar question to all of us, " why do we make people responsible for anything, when we have no mechanism to get the bets out of them?"...

Here the responsibly of getting the best out of oneself is as important as the organisation around them.... For now, I wud discuss in successive blogs, how the individual does best to get the capacity out.. and as we move on, we would also discuss what an organisation can do....

Before I sign out, just wanted to share a nice piece of writing I found that talks about the philosophy of bringing it out.... to awaken... enjoy..

by Ralph S. Marston, Jr.
In your life
A new day is dawning
Awaken and touch the beauty
Wherever you've come from
Whatever you've been
New possibilities beckon
Right here and now
Awaken and make them real
There was a time when you held in your heart
The most magnificent of dreams
A time when life seemed to carry
Endless promises and possibilities
Those dreams are still with you
Awaken and bring them to life
What you long for
Is longing for you
What you dream of
Is what you are meant to create
The doubts you have exist only in your mind
The anxieties that seem so burdensome are of your own making
Now is the moment to awaken,
and allow those doubts to melt away
Awaken, and dive deeply into the beauty of this moment
Allow your spirit to fully experience the richness of it all
Allow peace to fill you completely
Let it touch your deepest longings
Let it bring those longings to life
Your most treasured possibilities are real,
If you will simply let them live through you
Awaken to this moment, and life begins anew
Reach inside, and allow
your most treasured
dreams to awaken with you
Into a bright and shining new day
Remind yourself again and again
Of how beautiful life can be
Remind yourself again and again
That you can make it so
Step boldly and lovingly forward
Into this day
You've already come
So very far
You're stronger, more experienced
and more determined than ever
To fulfill those longings
That tell you who you are
Now is your moment to create real meaning
Now is your moment to awaken
And to truly and fully live

Till next blog

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