Monday 4 June 2012

Human Capacity and Desire

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.

A tree evolves from a SEED. This means that the blue print of the tree in all its entirety has been there in the DNA of the seed. Else, it should be impossible to have a tree from a seed. So also, a human from the embryo. The seed of success in human capacity needs an agent to be uncovered and let go. In the case of a seed, the agents are Sunlight, Soil, Water, nutrients and of course Time. In the case of Capacity to bloom into personal excellence, the necessary conditions are summed up as HEART(the seat of Desire):

H - Hard Work
E - Encouragement
R - Relaxation
T - Time

It is worthwhile to observe each of these conditions that are responsible for unlocking the door to personal excellence.

Hard Work is a blessing. It teaches, coaches, mends, bends, creates perspiration and yet enables inspiration. It safeguards your need to feel good about yourself. There is a also totally a  different view, which, Hard Work presents to some of us. It is tough, it is unnecessary, it is turmoil, it is horrible, it spoils the comfort etc. Now which view would you want to take? The former view grows you and takes you slowly, but surely to personal excellence. The latter view looks at personal comfort temporarily, but exposes you in the long run to decay and even extinction.

Encouragement is a requirement for Hard Work to be consistent. Now, encouragement can come from within or from the environment. Both are required. When things are going your way and your mood is positive(which by the way, it should be most of the time), encouragement comes from within. How ever, when chips are down and you seem lost, it has a great value too when it comes from outside. Encouragement sustains the hard work and makes it easy to move on, even against challenging situations.

Ambiance is all about what surrounds you. It can look like one covering you up from all sides, deluge you with its nature, but, strangely it enables your capacity to germinate forth. However, it would shape the nature of expression of capacity and make you a dwarf or a giant in terms of capacity. Being surrounded by a hostile ambiance can make you a dwarf and being surrounded by a promoting ambiance can bring out the best in you, very soon.

Relaxation is not an option. It is a need. However, it is a mid term break, short enough to ensure that your progress continues, but long enough to see that your tiredness of activity is removed and you are rejuvenated. There is no one prescription for relaxation. It can come in many flavors. Some people have it in silence, while some in chatting. Some in music, while some more in logic. Some solve puzzles, while some more just doze off. Find what relaxes you enough, before you take your next big leap. So, relaxation can be defined as an interval between two bursts of hard work.

Time. It is the essence. It is the context for what is contained in life. All growth of success or expression of capacity makes sense, only when it happens in time. Why is Time given to me? It is To Improve ME. Off all the resources given to man, it could also be the one that is mostly taken for granted by most of us.But when used properly, it will be the context in which the blossoming of Human Potential happens so gloriously. Fills everyone with awe and happiness. 

Let us, therefore, nurture the desire of the HEART to actualize the personal excellence from the seed of Human Capacity.

Till the next blog

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