Monday 28 May 2012

Capacity and Inner Connect

If ever, we find ourselves lacking in the capacity to accomplish anything, lets know that it is not becos of a lack of capacity- it is becos of a lack of connection to the inner  realm!. This follows the natural premise that, 

unless it is found in the inside first, it cannot ,manifest outside, next. 

Many a time, we stumble in our path, into a block- a cross road, a joint from where, it seems so confusing to move on, it feels that there is no hope, going back does not seem an option and going forward just looks impossible . So here is what happens - you just settle down for the status-quo and wait for a miracle to happen! By the way, miracles happen - when we are ready for it - the readiness comes only when we do the inner connect right.

So, what is the inner connect all about? 

It is a conscious process of disconnecting yourself from the task on hand and connecting to the realm of reflection within. 

The realm of reflection is only an entry point into the tremendous possibilities inside.Entering into the field of reflection achieves the first objective of cutting you off from the distractions on hand. Distractions are external, not internal. Unrest becos of external distractions, brings about unrest in internal world, only when we are so tightly hooked to the external. Tight coupling to the task you have on hand is important, but with a degree of freedom to leave this grasp and enter into realm of reflection, as and when. This should be possible for all of us - is this true?  - a simple example -our choice to focus on what we want in spite of other disturbances, shows us that, we can be masters of our choice- our attention to an interesting program on TV, an ear to the favorite gossip etc are some examples. Free choice means, being able to focus on what we want.

So, what happens after we enter the realm of reflection? The realm is like a pool - a pool of thoughts - you might take a little while to find your feet here, and be given to too much of swaying to start with - this is where, you would move from one extreme thought to another- particularly, if you are doing it new. An example here -- you are trying to write a blog - you might feel great to start - but you might hit the road block too soon, if you are not used to it- lack of ideas, no motivation to write, self doubt, no supporting vocabulary, other intermittent tasks and interruptions, procrastination -- all these or many more factors could be troubling you in moving forward- you can easily come to the conclusion, " perhaps it is not within me to write a blog! I am just not made out like that......" the conclusions on capacity start coming in. 

Another example -- you start on a new exercise program.  After years of no exercise - you have been pumped up to total motivation by a friend who counseled you or may be a movie you have seen on Chinese martial arts! After you start getting into some detail of the work out, as you are sweating it out, reality starts dawning on you, the video is showing a seasoned athlete working it out like a pro! and you are struggling with it for the first few repeats! Each extra move seems to be draining off everything from you and the sweetest voice you want to hear, is someone telling you to stop! Your mind tells you, " looks like this is not for me! I just don't have the capacity, having been born as who I am...... hmm... psst... better luck next time.." and you give up.  Should you give up?

This is where you start making the inner connect -- do stop, but briefly.... just disconnect from external world and task at hand, only for a few seconds, may be -- enter the realm of reflection - you start swimming through the thoughts of what prompted you in the first place to sweat it out or put a blog there. Then you start visualizing the benefits, the role models who inspired you and so on, though all these thoughts seem to be diverse, they all move you towards your objective - of recommitting yourself to the goal, and that is when you step out of the reflection pool to the other bank. Here you just stop  for a while to get the energy back - because this is the land of self renewal- at times the renewal is so perceptible - like a stream of current that passes through you- this revitalizes you, renews you and you can now be back to the task on hand -- YOU HAVE RECONNECTED to the source.

And when you have completed the task at hand, its not just about, how well you have done it, its about you winning over the tendency to give it up becos you cud not muster it - now you have done that, and here is an output - So, go out and celebrate!!!

Till the next blog,

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